Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Revision Process

Revising a paper…where to begin? The revision process has never been one of my preferred parts of writing a paper. Actually writing a paper in general has never been too much fun and this last mediation paper was not any different. In general this paper was one of the harder ones I have written in my life simply because it had to be unbiased. I chose to do my paper on abortion, which may not have been the best idea, as that is a very hard topic to be unbiased about. However, I picked abortion because I wanted to learn more about both sides of the issue. When it came down to the actual writing, I had already done a little research and I sat down and wrote my rough draft, five and half pages, in two days. That’s what I do when I write a paper. I almost always sit down and write the whole thing at once. This was one of the rare occasions where I spread it over two days. After I write my rough draft I usually don’t go back and look at my paper for a couple days so that when I do come back to it I don’t remember everything I have written and I can look at it from a new perspective, almost as if reading someone else’s paper. I also like for my friends to read my rough draft, they can always catch mistakes that I can’t, spelling errors, capitalization, commas, I count on them for that. After I have given it a few days and my friends have read through my rough draft I go back to the computer with my rough draft and make whatever corrections they have found. Sometimes I do a little more research if I know certain paragraphs need a little more information or something like then I might work on certain paragraphs for a little while then take a break. When I get towards the end of writing my paper I always print out my paper so I can proof read a hard copy. I always do a better job editing my own work when it’s a hard copy instead of a soft copy, still on the computer. Editing a revising a paper is never something I actually enjoy doing but it is never too bad and always easier the better prepared I was for the rough draft.

1 comment:

Natasha Stone said...

We seem to have the same exact process. We even chose the same topic and encountered the same stumbling blocks. I choose to write my paper on abortion and then found myself wondering why I had done that. I knew it was an issue I felt strongly about, and the thought didn't really sink in until I got into the writing process that it was supposed to be an "unbiased" paper... phew.... not easy....

I prefer doing any revising on a hard copy, too. I don't know why... especially for long papers. .. staring at the computer screen and trying to edit is so ineffective. You just have to hit "print," wait a little bit, and come back to it with fresh eyes.

We actually differ, however, on why we have friends read over our work. I am generally pretty strong in the grammar area... I am a stickler for punctuation, quotations, parenthetical citations, capitalization, etc. Because I can get a little wordy, though... I have friends (and my read over what I've written to check for awkward sentences, or incohesive thoughts, and stuff like that...

To be completely honest, I learned a thing or two in writing this paper, as well. Maybe that's a good thing... :)